Tuesday 29 June 2021

hey thurrrr, 

some biiiig news. I recently accepted a job offer for a postdoctoral research position at Princeton University! It's an amazing looking project, working with a great team looking to address climate model biases through machine learning. It's also part of a wider network of institutions, each working on different components of the climate system - i'll be looking specifically at sea ice biases. I'm super excited as i was really hoping to continue exploring machine learning concepts and statistics after my PhD, so i feel really fortunate to be able to do that. Not only that, the PI (my future boss) is someone who i really respect and is just an all-round delightful person. I had originally suggested that I would be able to start in October, but turns out I can't begin the visa application until after my PhD viva, and the earliest I can take that is probably early November. So all in all, i'll likely be heading out to the US in early Jan 2022! Will be nice to have a few months off in between the PhD and the start of something new. I'm really excited to start a new adventure and experience living abroad. I love London but i desperately need a change. Over the past 2 years i've really been feeling the walls closing in on my life here, which i think is due to numerous factors... i generally get itchy feet when i'm doing one thing for too long, but this time i don't think that could be fixed by just getting a new job in London. I think after a lot of people who were close to me left London after finishing their PhDs 2 years ago, i really felt a big void which hasn't yet been filled. The pandemic hasn't helped obviously, but i really miss being around like-minded people, with a bigger sense of community. Anyway, things are looking up in the mean time! In other news, i also had my second paper published last week, which was kinda cooool, but yah that's about it. un abrazo

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